Diligent Institute informs, educates and connects leaders to champion governance excellence.


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State of Cyber Awareness in the Boardroom

NightDragon, Diligent and our coalition of industry leaders analyzed the leadership

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AI Ethics & Board Oversight Certification

Learn how to govern AI ethics responsibly in Diligent Institute’s AI Ethics & Board

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Climate Leadership Certification

Elevate your impact with the Diligent Institute Climate Leadership Certification to

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Sustainability in the Spotlight

Diligent Institute and Spencer Stuart surveyed 800 board members around the world

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Female and male colleague in an office


Human Capital, Compensation & Culture

Gain strategic insights into HR, compensation strategies and cultural dynamics.

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Inside Today’s Boardrooms

Watch the latest episode of Inside Today’s Boardrooms, covering best practices for boards and corporate leaders.

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The Corporate Director Podcast 

Listen to our podcast episodes on the latest trends in corporate governance.

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We work to inform corporate directors, executives and researchers through original cutting-edge research, commentary on current trends, and podcast and web-show interviews with key experts and corporate leaders.

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Diligent Institute offers certificate programs designed to equip board directors and executives with the skills and knowledge needed to address the most pressing modern governance challenges and opportunities.

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people in meeting room working


We draw on decades of governance experience, the expertise of like-minded strategic partners, and data and insights from Diligent Corporation to connect board members and other senior leaders with each other, subject matter experts, and stakeholders.

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men in meeting room