AI Ethics & Board Oversight Certification

Learn how to govern AI ethics responsibly in Diligent Institute’s AI Ethics & Board Oversight Certification.


About the program

Making sound, ethical decisions on artificial intelligence (AI) for your organization is imperative. With AI transforming organizations across industries and geographies, now is the time to put in place effective risk management strategies and realize the potential opportunities AI presents.

The Diligent Institute AI Ethics & Board Oversight Certification empowers board members and executives like you to navigate the complex landscape of ethics and compliance surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) with confidence and integrity.

Experience four courses developed in partnership with The Volkov Law Group and other industry experts exploring AI in the context of ethics and compliance to help you lead your organization into an era where ethics and technology meet seamlessly. Discover a wealth of AI ethics oversight resources to enhance your knowledge and drive AI responsible AI practices within your organization. The program is expected to take approximately 15 hours.

Diligent Institute AI Ethics & Board Oversight Certification

Benefits of enrolling

Take advantage of a self-paced eLearning curriculum, allowing you to upskill around your day job at your own pace to close the skills gap in a mission-critical area.

Virtual roundtables

Join monthly virtual roundtables with expert speakers from across our certification programs.

Online networking

Participate in virtual discussions within the eLearning platform to share learnings.

Practical application

Gain actionable insights and strategies that you can implement immediately, enriching your board’s decision-making process.

Unparalleled expertise

Our curriculum is designed by leading AI ethics and governance experts, ensuring you receive the most up-to-date and comprehensive knowledge in the field.

Get ahead

Stay informed about the latest AI trends, regulations, and ethical considerations, positioning your organization as an ethical AI pioneer.

Flexible learning

Access our materials anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace, accommodating even the busiest of schedules.

Learning objectives

Discover what you will learn from this program.

  • Identify the core components of a strong ethics and compliance program, including the board’s oversight role
  • Understand the basics of artificial intelligence and ethics in business settings
  • Know more about the evolving global regulatory landscape surrounding AI
  • Consider different AI ethical frameworks, governance and oversight models and how they might apply in your own context
  • Ensure your organization is prepared to take a team approach for AI ethics and oversight across the board and executive team

Course details

The program includes four courses exploring AI ethics and board oversight. Each includes videos, readings, exercises, case studies, quizzes and thought experiments.

This course provides a high-level overview of the board’s role in ethics and compliance and explores how ethics and risk management frameworks can be applied to business-related scenarios. Learners will also review the key components of an effective ethics and compliance program and look at real-world examples to bring core concepts to life.

At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain how ethics is linked to the board’s oversight and fiduciary responsibilities
  • Understand ethical, compliance and risk management frameworks and how they can be applied to business
  • Identify key areas of compliance for organizations, highlighting the differences between corporate and regulatory compliance
  • Recognize the key components of an effective ethics and compliance program

This course introduces artificial intelligence (AI) by defining generative AI, machine intelligence and related technologies and practice areas. Participants explore the history and context of AI, how it is currently being deployed in business applications and the associated opportunities and risks. This course provides helpful case studies to illustrate these concepts.

At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand what generative AI and machine intelligence are and some of AI’s applications in today’s business landscape
  • Identify the key opportunities AI presents, such as powering data-driven decisions and building operational efficiencies
  • Recognize the key risks that AI brings, such the potential to introduce or increase bias and erode stakeholders’ trust
  • Review case studies providing industry-specific AI risks and opportunities

This course ties together the basic concepts about ethics and AI technologies in the context of emerging regulation, compliance and risk management frameworks. After providing a snapshot of the current legal and regulatory landscape, participants will consider sample AI ethical dilemmas and explore how AI risk can be overseen through existing risk management frameworks.

At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the key regulations in North America, the UK, EU and Australia that currently apply to AI, and better understand where the regulatory landscape might be headed
  • Understand the evolution of AI as an ethical consideration across industries and regions of the world
  • Define corporate ethics and compliance in the context of AI, including how and why AI should be a core ethics and compliance program consideration
  • Review the application of risk management frameworks applied to AI
  • Gain some lessons learned about ethics and compliance from case studies of real-world applications of AI

This course provides models for the governance and oversight of AI ethics. The course begins by providing examples of board and committee oversight of AI, ethics and innovation, including a review of reporting and other mechanisms to promote transparency. Then, the course dives into how to build a strong relationship between the board and senior management, exploring the roles of CEO, Chief Ethics & Compliance Officers, Chief Technology Officers, CIOs and other members of the executive team to promote ethical AI development and implementation.

At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify governance and oversight models for ethical AI development and implementation
  • Better understand how to promote a strong strategic partnership between the board and executive team around AI ethics
  • Learn from a set of case studies and expert interviews on how strong ethics and compliance programs should work in the context of AI


Share your AI Ethics & Board Oversight Certification upon graduation.

A digital badge of honor

Proudly display your certification badge, showcasing your commitment to AI ethics and governance excellence on LinkedIn.

Network with peers

Continue to connect with like-minded professionals from diverse industries, fostering collaboration and shared best practices.

Prestigious certification

Upon successful completion, receive a Diligent Institute AI Ethics & Board Oversight certificate to elevate your professional profile.

Proxy statement language

Share your further education achievement in your next proxy statement or disclosure with sample language provided.

Continuing professional education accreditation details

The Diligent Institute AI Ethics & Board Oversight Certification is a unique e-learning program that teaches AI ethics literacy for corporate directors to effectively govern significant enterprise wide AI ethics related risks and have meaningful conversations with management.

CEU Institute is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website.

  • Participants will learn AI ethics literacy to effectively govern significant AI ethics risks and have meaningful conversations with management
  • CPE credit hour: 9.0
  • CLE credit hour: 4.5
  • Field of study: Specialized Knowledge
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Program level: Intermediate
  • Delivery method: QAS self-study
  • Refund/cancellation policy: Provide written notice to Diligent at If notice of cancellation in accordance with this section is received before access to the Diligent Institute Certification is granted, program fees will be refunded to you. You can view our cancellation and refund policy here.
  • Complaint resolution policy: Provide written details to Diligent at
cpe sponsors qas logo

Meet the graduates

Congratulations to those who have successfully completed the Diligent Climate Leadership Certificate program! Meet the certified leaders below.

  • Hazel McNeilage

    Independent Non-Executive Director, Reinsurance Group of America; Everest Group

  • Jeff De Cagna AIMP FRSA FASAE

    Executive Advisor, Foresight First LLC

  • Jan-Maarten Mulder

    Board Member

  • Curt A. Flemming

    Senior Program Manager, Battelle

  • Kim Faulkner

    Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer, Colgate-Palmolive Company

  • Jacqueline Hernandez

    Founder; Non-Executive Director, New Majority Ready

  • Richard Barber

    CEO and Board Director, Mind Tech Group

  • Philip Armstrong

    Independent Corporate Director, GreenShield

  • Joshua Rapp

    Senior Information Security Compliance Engineer, Cisco

  • Liat Ben-Zur

    Advisor and Non-Executive Director, LBZ Advisory

quote icon
  • The AI Ethics & Board Oversight Certificate program was excellent. I found the variety of learning materials to be extremely effective. I feel that I came away with a strong understanding of AI Ethics as it relates to board oversight and governance. Really enriching program on an increasingly important topic for Board Directors.

    Jacqueline Hernandez

    CEO, Founder; Non-Executive Director

    New Majority Ready

  • Great program covering all aspects of board compliance oversight as well as a specific focus on AI related risks, frameworks, regulations, and implications for boards. Highly recommended for any board member.

    Jan-Maarten Mulder

    Board Member

    New Majority Ready

  • The Volkov Law Group is pleased to partner with Diligent Institute in creating a certificate program that brings the murky problem of AI and ethics into relief. This program is a must for board members interested in the overlap of ethics and compliance with concerns over the use of AI, which has the potential to transform the way organizations function.

    Michael Volkov


    The Volkov Law Group

  • Diligent’s AI Ethics & Board Oversight Certification program stands out with its clear, concise content and engaging video discussions. Real-world examples bring relevance, making complex concepts easily graspable. Its timely curriculum is a practical guide through the ethical challenges in the AI landscape.

    Liat Ben-Zur

    Advisor and Non-Executive Director

    LBZ Advisory

  • Directors see the benefit of using AI to enhance efficiencies and gain insights, but risks can arise without the right tools and oversight. This certification will outline the risks and opportunities associated with AI against the background of today’s regulatory landscape, and help leaders identify governance models to consider the ethical and compliance implications of AI.

    Dottie Schindlinger

    Executive Director

    Diligent Institute

Group programs & bespoke packages


Diligent Institute is delighted to offer discounted pricing for groups of five or more. In addition, we offer bespoke training for boards and management teams. Contact us to share your requirements and learn more about the discounted certification packages available.

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