Faculty Member Biography

Paul Druckman

UN Climate Change High-Level Champion

Paul is a passionate global leader in capital market reform – from corporate governance to reporting & measurement; to auditing; and sustainability. He has recently taken on the role of Chairman of the World Benchmarking Alliance which will help ensure that reform takes place through measurement. Paul’s highlights include being a Board member of Shift, the leading centre of expertise on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; being President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales; chairing The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) Executive Board and being on the City Takeover Panel. In addition, Paul was a Board member of the UK regulator, the Financial Reporting Council; and chaired its Corporate Reporting Council which sets UK accounting standards.

He has a variety of roles currently – from chairing Clear Insurance; to chairing a major FRC project on the Future of Corporate Reporting.

Paul is an Ambassador for A4S and an Honorary Professor at Durham Business School.

Paul Druckman, Chair, World Benchmarking Alliance

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